Saturday 25 October 2014

Creative Gardening: How To Make A Flower Fountain

A flower fountain is basically a piece of art. A little creativity and the keen urge to keep things beautiful is all you need to give this kind of a garden project the green signal.
In case you are wondering what a flower fountain is here is how one looks.

 It is cheap and easy way to make little seem more.  If you have been felling trees or had one felled in the last week, that would be the place to start.
All you need for a flower fountain is:

  1. A freshly felled medium sized log from a young tree (its central piece preferably, but either ways even a branched end will do wonderfully by adding an unkempt rustic look). My log comes from a tree that got uprooted in a storm last season. So fear not! I haven't axed any for the purpose! :)

      Like this one here ---> 

Okay. I am kidding. Just about any regular young tree axed and brought down to the desired size will do. Make sure though that they are tall enough to stand out like a moderate fountain.

  Something like this here --> 

          2.  A spade or a mattock or a pickaxe. Either will do the job.


          3. Sprouts of Orchids. You could choose whichever type you want. Or you could choose here. I have used Dove Orchid, but it is up to you. 
Only have lots and lots of them, enough to cover the entire circumference of the log.  In case you don't have that many plantlets or roots yet, it is okay. You can propagate when they have flourished in their new setting. And believe me, they are going to. 

I have used Dove Orchids as they are easy to grow especially in our climate down here- humid and sunny. 

         4.  Plant support material to help your little plantlets grow. I have not used anything but a few coconut husks as that is all that is needed for dove orchids to thrive (in my place). But mostly what you will need are these:

                 5. Some rubble to fix your log nice and firm.

Now to get on with the project. You can achieve this in four simple steps.

1.    Dig up a hole just about enough to put the
 log upright in place firmly.

2.  Erect you post firmly in the hole using rubble and soil.

3. Take out and sort the plantlets you want forming your beautiful flower fountain.

4. Put them into husks and if needed add the charcoal and brick pieces to this base. Attach them to the tree all round the trunk in two or more levels (depending upon the length of the log you have chosen, the height of the flower fountain you desire etc.) using a good gardening cord of any type. You could use gardening tape, wire, rope or anything handy.

After a couple of weeks you ought to have a good thriving flower fountain- well, not just yet. When they flower. And when they do you will know how wonderful it was to work the project after all.
Here is how nicely mine has come up.

Hope yours will too. Do post in your comments, and of course pics of your wonderful flower fountain.